The pagan temples and sacred places of Lviv, Ukraine.

Lviv. The ancient beautiful city, where many people come to wander through the narrow streets, admire majestic cathedrals and try an incredibly delicious cuisine of hospitable Lviv.

But few people realize that in close proximity to here there are ancient places of power, where for mIMG_9971any centuries those who remember the history of ancient times come to. The times when temples stoodon the site of the churches and on hilltops the rituals of worship to the Gods were performed. This time my trip to Lviv was aimed at precisely those places.

There is a belief among the researchers of «the times of old» that our ancestors set the temples on purpose. Each temple, each place of worship had been carefully checked, tested for the energy, corresponding to certain deities. As a matter of course, there are certain external indicators of the place, that is suitable for the creation of the temple, but they will always be related to subtle energy lines and be their reflections on the physical plane.

Perhaps there is some reason to correlate external rules of siting with the laws of Chinese tradition of Feng Shui. At least what I can see is a compound of Goddess Lada’s sanctuary located on a hilltop and Goddess Mokosh’ one at the foot near the water source. The temple of Perun (God of War), that is located on a sunny slope for all to see, and Veчурыles (God of Magic) one, far away from human eyes in the shade of dense forest. It is the same presence of Yang — the light side of the hill and Yin – the shadow one. The unity of opposites in the eternal cycle of life.

My visit to the city immediately began with pleasant signs. Morning greeting «Good Choor!» sounded in one of the first photos taken at the centre after the arrival in the city. Well, I came to look for ancient Gods and they showed me their face. This was a clear sign that the Spirits of the place have taken the gifts and are willing to take me on the planned route, and maybe show something more than planned.

Wandering through the city washed by rain in the morning of a weekday is the most who is the most extraordinary pleasure. Tourists are still asleep and only city dwellers hurry to work down the streets.

Cafes are still closed, but following the delicate aroma of coffee, you can go to some small café, already awakened, and having taken the hot cup, slowly wander down the rain-washed streets, peering into the small medieval courtyards.IMG_9976

Doors and gates in the small kingdoms of the locals have not yet slammed for his inhabitants, which are hurrying to work, and it is possible to look into the inner sanctum of the city, its interior.

Slowly walking where the body leads to, with a cup of coffee in hand, I am enjoying the morning Lviv and its magical paintings, as if arising from the old tale of Mastro Geppetto.

IMG_9975In the charming double-exit courtyard, half-naked maiden trying to catch a crown. Or maybe to crown any visiting Prince-tourists? And behind her Lion growls irritably demanding deference to the fairy-tale characters.

Mermaid offers a taste of oysters for lunch, and, being careful, we can see that the signs are winking, pointing in the right direction for walks.

And on top the sharp-sighted eye of Masons is watching over all.IMG_9970


Bald Mountain. Temple of Svitovyd.

Slowly but surely, the road leads me up to the Regional Landscape Park Znesinnya (Ascension). Many researchers suggest that right here there was an ancient settlement and a set of the old pagan faith temples. And only with the advent of Christianity, the settlement has shifted closer to his present position. Later, in the XIV century, with the arrival of the Polish king Casimir (Kazimierz) III the Great, there was finally fixed the location of the central square in Lviv that has kept until today.

Among the main places that I was interested in Znesinnya, there were the ancient temple of Svitovyd, the Church of Elijah, which stands on the place of the temple of Gjd Perun, the Mountain Baba Rod, where up to the XVI century 284019_236439879819007_169738455_nthere was an idol, instead of the present church nearby there was the temple of God Rod and Goddess Rozhanitsa. And, of course, the street called Marunka. This place-name definitely had to be associated with either Goddess Mokosh or Goddess Mara.

Alas, the map that hangs on the boards in the park makes absolutely no way to figure out where are the desired objects. So, as always, having made offerings, I could only rely on the mercy of the ancient Gods. And the Gods did not fail to make themselves known. Half an hour later I’d got the guide of the locals.

An elderly man, walking with a charming spaniel, has kindly offered me to keep company in surveying the neighborhoods. It turns out that the Lion’s Mountain was originally called Bald by locals. Exactly it was associated with witches’ gatherings, and not the one which is already indicated in modern guidebooks for the esotericists. And the forest was planted on top of the plateau just after the Second World War. Yes, even the oak grove and the old cherry orchard. Because during the war Lviv’s residents had cut down everything over here to put it on the firewood for heating.

As always, there are a lot of myths but few real events.

And yet, the place where once was a temple of Svitovyd has not been faded from people’s memories. And when we were coming up to it, it seemed to me (or not) like a pillar of light was there. My guide confirmed my hunch. He pointed to the glade, which was clearly different and seemed to flicker, illuminating iridescent light reflections.

If you are going there, you have to go down the path of the alley with the figures, aloIMG_9938ng the fence. And at the turn before going to the observation deck, this plot will be on the right side.

Several myths about the place:

— Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life set building of the mill on the place, but it burned down by lightning because of the anger of the Gods.

— Here in the ground the stone is buried. Those who dig it, get a magical artefact of power. One man tried to find him, but died suddenly.

The place is really very sated with energy. For me, it is associated with Svatovyd. When you travel a lot to places of power, already can feel some similarities in the energies.

If you go further along the path to the observation deck, a «monastic» trail to the old Cherry Orchard will be on your right. And if you go through it, you can see a very interesting ledge on the left. Here Rodnoverians conduct their rituals and there are traces of the campfire.

So, the «Feng Shui» of this ledge and its energy are very similar to those that can be read in Kiev on the Dytynka Mountain. The terrain follows the same outline that the Chinese would call the perfect Feng Shui of a place. The four «holy animals» are present in the landscape making this ledge ideal for rituals and energy practices. Yes, today it looks like «the hub of the universe.» Very powerful workspace.IMG_9944


Temple of God Perun. Goddess Lada’s and Mokosh’ places of power. The Mountain Baba Rod.

The next point of my attention was a trip to Marunka and the Mountain Baba Rod. Having circled over almost all the plateau Znesinnya, I arrived at its farthest reaches. Church of Elijah was closed, but tIMG_9982he gates were opened and it was possible to sit and admire the view from this height. Moreover, the bright sun finally came out, as if welcoming the pilgrim on the ancient places of power.

Just a few hundred feet away from the temple, the navigator showed the location of the Marunka Street. But in the place where it was supposed to start was only a pit with water flowing from it down the slope.

This time, I did not dare to climb over a windbreak and decided to get around in the hope that from below I could find more cleared a passage. My gut did not let me down. And having made a little detour, I found myself in front of the Znesinnya park where Marunka’s stream, running from the top, was turned IMG_9998into a small creek which was spanned by a bridge.

Marunka is the place-name that has apparently left over from ancient times, and originates from the name of the goddess Mara or Mokosh.

The whole complex of the place includes an amazing set of magical energies in which everyone can find their own. Mara’s River, stepping over that, you can leave the past behind. Lada’s Mountain, where you can ask for help and support and the island of Mokosh, where the secrets are revealed — the triune power of female nature. But first things first.IMG_9990

Marunka pleased surprisingly clean water. It was quite magical and could clean and help let go what you want to get rid of. Make it an offering with milk or a sugar cube. Also, it is possible a copper coin. And leave all the troubles and sorrows on one side, jump over to the other one, without turning around, go to the top of the mountain Homets that you will see on the way ahead.

I do not know the name of the mountain in ancient times, but the holy place, as we know, is never empty. And the modern locals put up the statue of Mary and created a «religious procession» around the mountain. The energies of the places interact with any religion, taking different forms and remaining in fact its own embodiment.

On the way to the top, I saw the signs, telling me that I’m going in the right direction, again. The energies of this IMG_9994space, I would describe as a clear presence of Yang, light side of female nature.

From the top of the mountain there opened a wonderful view of the small lake with an island in the middle with emerald water at the foot which I just had not noticed. Water just shone because of the abundance of sun glares.

Almost running, I went down to this amazing place. Peace and quiet created a feeling that I’m not in the middle of a big city, but somewhere inside the tale forgotten by people.

After crossing the bridge to the island, I was sitting and meditating, admiring nature of this amazing place. I had no doubt that it was related to Goddess Mokosh. The photos only confirmed my assumptions. You can see the figure, as if woven from the finest violet light, at the right side of the picture.


And in response to the request for the sign, suddenly on the lake there swam a couple – a duck and a drake. I love the magic of places of power. There is always room for incidental non-coincidence.

Well, then I needed to find a way to the Baba Rod Mountain. And again, magically, as if out of the blue, there appeared a young man to show me the way.

I had to walk a couple of miles along a narrow path of railroad tracks. Both sides had got steep slopes covered with IMG_0011dense vegetation. The road meandered like a parturient canal that brings me closer to the sanctuary of God Rod and Goddess Rozhanitsa. Cleansing by Marunka, filling with Lada, the oracle of Mokosh, the path to Rod and Rozhanitsa. When you look at the world through the prism of signs and symbols, any journey is transformed into the archetypal WAY OF HEROINE.

It was scary to go along the rails when there are only the steep slopes on the left and the right. What will I do if the train suddenly appear? Where to run? How to climb up the steep slopes? But then a stranger traveller was sent to meet me, who said that there have long been no trains, and you cannot be afraid. I was passed from hand to hand, being pointed the way.

Sliding down the railway track near the bridge, almost on all fours, for the staircase was missing, I softly whispered, «Mom Mokosh, help me, do not drop me into the mud!» Drivers of passing cars were beeping to my convergence and happily waved. Having safely gone down, I slowly wandered on, in the hope that I’ll still be able to find the next point of my plan — The Mountain Baba Rod.

To my left there stood the massif of plateau, where I earlier visited Svitovyd’s field. The sun warmed more and more, and the vast endless sky was pleasing to the eye.

And here it was, the hidden path and information signs indicating that I had correctly arrived at the destination. At the half-way upstairs I met an old man, who winking at me asked:

«Whether you, young lady, whom a woman at the top is waiting?»

«O! Sure! — I exclaimed with joy — certainly me.»

Was it a joke or not? May be, another sign? Who did he mean? Today is Friday — the day of Mokosh. Is it the mysticism of not casual accidental encounters again? In a minute, I shall get to know that.IMG_3976

The path that is leading up through the ravine suddenly takes on a plateau of the Baba Rod sanctuary. Once upon a time, there was a settlement and the temple complex of ancient Slavs. The views from here are breathtaking. And after enjoying a picture of the distant mountains, it gets an irresistible longing for staggering backwards, spreading out the hands and lying, motionlessly staring into the bottomless sky.

A warm breeze and bright sunshine were well-deserved reward for my search for ways of the ancestors. A workmate IMG_0015on ritual, who had been waiting for me, was a charming woman of Rodnoverians, who came to honour Rod, Rozhanitsa and Mokosh this magical day. It is always nice to meet people, who are close to you in spirit, at the right time in the places of power.

And leaving the plateau, down on the path we met a huge black dog. The guard of the ancient sanctuary graciously accepted a cookie from us, passed us down the path to the exit, and then lay down across the road and looked after until we disappeared around the turn.

There was such an amazing and quite extraordinary trip to the ancient pagan Lviv.

IMG_9993And having returned back to the medieval city, tired and happy, I was greeted by pussies, that had acquired an entirely different meaning for me. Pussies, who are the messengers of Mokosh, were dancing and winking, whispering new tales about another city, about the next trip.


Эжени МакКвин © 2016




Oracle of Ukraine Sacred Places. 



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